Monday, July 21, 2008

To: Store Manager

Dear Store Manager,
It was all fun and games for me to help when you needed, but 7 days in a row with one day off and then a 6am shift following is not fun, especially since you split the week in half so I get no extra pay. I get 7 days and I was ok, until on my 2nd day I had to recover all the problems of the store and when I called you, which you told me to do, you were irritated. Thanks a bunch. I love that I got totally effed because you felt like scheduling wrong for me and everybody else, yet you get the usual happy 5 days in the morning. Sounds like a good week for you. I am no minion. I get a three days weekend out of it because you left me in charge, so I rescheduled people and you get to come back next week without me taking up the slack on your weekend, hope it sucks for you.
Love Always,
Raptor Rachel

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